

Hi, there. We're Blue Dog Knifeworks.

James had been making knives as a hobby for a few years and a few he made as requests for friends proved to be popular which led to the birth of Blue Dog Knifeworks. Our knives are either our original designs or inspired by classics with a Blue Dog twist. 


Meet the Knifemaker

James has always worked in the countryside, carrying and using knives most days. He's always had a passion for making things, ranging from game feeders, to longbows, to casting his own bullets.  A few knives made for friends became commissions for other people, and BDKW was born!

James loves keeping and working his ferrets, lurchers and terriers, shooting flintlocks, growing vegetables and is mostly powered by tea and liquorice! 

He runs a small gameshoot in the Cotswolds and writes for one of the Fieldsports newspapers.

Meet the Management

Alison is James' long-suffering fiancee. She's also book-keeper, designer, hand-sander, web designer, ferret wrangler and a master at knowing where things are! Basically prevents James from ending up buried under a pile of lovely knives with no idea whose is whose! 

Meet the Blue Dog

Fin is the CEO and namesake of BDKW. He's a 7 year old Bedlington Whippet who supervises the running of the 
workshop (except grinding, that's a bit noisy!) Takes his salary in Gravy Bones. 
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